TVG: 2.22 – Magic: The Gathering

This time around, the duo dives into a topic they haven’t spent too much time on: tabletop games! …and specifically the rather influential Magic: The Gathering. Matt is an on-again off-again “huge fan” (well, huge during the on-again times), and it ends up Stephen has had some good times with it too.

We deep dive on what we like and don’t like, both from a game development point of view as well as from a business and marketing perspective. Whether you are a huge magic fan yourself or just think it’s the geekiest thing on earth, come hear us share our thoughts.

The Vagabond Gamecast is a podcast by Stephen Tucker and Matthew Langille that covers gaming from the perspective of nomadic parents.
The Vagabond Gamecast
TVG: 2.22 – Magic: The Gathering