Matt and Steve have come to the disappointing realization that they are mere game enthusiasts in a world where collectors now have millions of dollars at their disposal.
In this episode, we take a brief moment to bask in the glory of the musical choice for this year’s Olympic games. Never thought we’d live to see the day where Yasunori Mitsuda’s genius was appreciated by all the sports watchers around the world, but I’m not going to complain now that we’re finally in a good timeline! If Steve’s predictions are correct, Frog’s Theme will do more for Olympians than Tinder did.
But the majority of the episode focuses in on the recent auction of Mario 64 and other collection related nonsense. Steve used to collect 1994 Fleer Ultra Spider-Man cards, and has even caught all the Pokémon… while Matt used to collect Panini Hockey stickers and letters from his cereal box.
As a point of interest: The Vagabond Gamecast is now on YouTube!
Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like we’ll ever be Mario 64 level collectors.
PS: The header image is finally a reuse! It originally appeared as our header for episode 0.09! Enjoy a second glance at some of Matt’s games.