TVG: 0.04 – Moving to America

Right about now most of the Americans we know are talking about moving to Canada… but in this exciting episode of the Vagabond Gamecast, Matt and Steve meet up (in the US of A) to discuss what it was like for them to move to the home of the brave.

The Vagabond Gamecast is a podcast by Stephen Tucker and Matthew Langille that covers gaming from the perspective of nomadic parents.
The Vagabond Gamecast
TVG: 0.04 – Moving to America

TVG: 0.03 – Making Time For Life and Games

This week we discuss the ins-and-outs of balancing our lives as gainfully employed, somewhat ambitious creators-of-things and video game enthusiasts with being a parent to young kids. How does one maintain a family life while beating every game on their to-beat list in just one lifetime?

Episode 3:

We gnaw on the gritty details of what it’s like finding time to play games and rawk life as a busy parent / adult, as well as both of our general approaches to task management and prioritization of all those ‘adult’ tasks outside of work and play. We finish with a quick discussion of games we’ve played and look forward to playing.

The Vagabond Gamecast is a podcast by Stephen Tucker and Matthew Langille that covers gaming from the perspective of nomadic parents.
The Vagabond Gamecast
TVG: 0.03 – Making Time For Life and Games

TVG: 0.02 – Baby Gaming

Lounging baby with keyboard

This time, on another exciting episode of The Vagabond Gamecast, Matt and Steve catch up on the latest games they’re playing (Metroid Fusion, To The Moon, and Fire Emblem: Birthright). This leads into a mini discussion of their thoughts on the Final Fantasy franchise before finally getting into the meat of what every retro gaming dad has on their mind: Should babies play games too?

Episode 2:

While Matt has allowed his daughter the privilege of holding a SNES controller, Steve has focused on allowing his son to have free reign over his phone. 22 month old Lazarus appears to enjoy such hit apps as: Ethereal Dialpad, Super Hexagon, Baby Wooden Blocks Puzzle, and Endless Alphabet.

The Vagabond Gamecast is a podcast by Stephen Tucker and Matthew Langille that covers gaming from the perspective of nomadic parents.
The Vagabond Gamecast
TVG: 0.02 – Baby Gaming

TVG: 0.01 – PlayStation VR

In this super cool episode of The Vagabond Gamecast, we hop out of our comfort zone as retro geeks (and mostly-immobile gamers) to discuss some recent goings-on in the game industry, namely the recent PlayStation VR launch and our impressions of both PSVR and VR in general.

The Vagabond Gamecast hopes to be a regular podcast, which will track the happenings of a couple of globetrotting nerd parents and their ongoing quest to keep up with the world around them.

Episode 1:

We share some general musings and impressions of the Playstation VR and the future of virtual reality.

The Vagabond Gamecast is a podcast by Stephen Tucker and Matthew Langille that covers gaming from the perspective of nomadic parents.
The Vagabond Gamecast
TVG: 0.01 - PlayStation VR

TVG: 0.00 – The Nintendo Mini

As some of you may remember, back in 2013 two enterprising individuals (one Matthew Langille, and one Stephen Tucker) decided to work on indie game development in their spare time. While Sprixelsoft may be no more, this was neither the beginning nor the end of the pair’s hijinks. Indeed, if you’ll fast forward (or rewind depending on when you’re reading this) to 2016, you’ll find yourself here: at The Vagabond Gamecast!

The Vagabond Gamecast hopes to be a regular podcast, which will track the happenings of a couple of globetrotting nerd parents and their ongoing quest to keep up with the world around them.

Episode 0:

Our heroes begin their podcast and geek out over the upcoming Nintendo Classic and Family Computer mini.

The Vagabond Gamecast is a podcast by Stephen Tucker and Matthew Langille that covers gaming from the perspective of nomadic parents.
The Vagabond Gamecast
TVG: 0.00 - The Nintendo Mini

TIL: Learn to Code in C++ by Developing Your First Game (Section 4, Lectures 94-98)

OK, time to shake the dust off of my Unreal skillz. As you may know, Gears of War 4 (the project I’ve been employed to work on for the past year and a half) has been (pre)released! I’m pleased with the amount that I learned working on that game, and am happy to finally have a completed game on my résumé. But I’ve also moved onto a new role at a little company called “BioWare”. Which means that if I’m going to keep my Unreal knowledge from getting rusty, I’ve got to continue to find time to work with it in my off hours. Hence the reason I’m up at 5:30AM on a Saturday resuming my studies with Udemy (and why it’s taken me more than 24 hours to find the time to finish less than 40 minutes of tutorial watching). Read More >

TIL: Human Japanese 44: Weather. What’s Next?

Huzzah! I’ve finished! I picked up Human Japanese back in February of 2013, so it’s nice to have finally cleared it off my perpetual to-do list. It’s really damned tough to make learning a language a priority… but I enjoy doing it. As for the rest of this year… I still need to finish playing Rocketbirds in Japanese. But right now, my priority is to get through Mass Effect 2. Read More >

TIL: Human Japanese 42 Kanji / 43 Adverbs

Alright, well, I’ve been trying to do a little bit here and there with kanji… but really, I barely know any of it. I can identify numbers 1 through 10, and Japan vs Japanese (People and Language!), but not a whole lot else has stuck as I never did make it a habit to start memorizing them. Read More >

TIL: Human Japanese 40 (At Work) / 41 (たい)

Wow! I actually managed to get some good time into Japanese today! It’s hard not to binge when I know I’m so close to the end of this app. にほんごではなしたい! OK, ok… It’s already past my bedtime… so I’ve got to get these notes up and finish the chapter 41 review. Read More >

TIL: Human Japanese 39 (で)

Well… I’m no longer a part of the unemployed workforce (For those who don’t know, Friday was my last day working at The Coalition’s office). As of Monday, I am once more gainfully employed. I believe my new employer is fine with me blogging as long as I’m not giving away their precious secrets, pretending to represent them, or being a negative Nancy. These things are not all together unalike from what the previous group of people who gave me dollars thought. And so, now that I find myself with some precious, precious spare time I shall put aside thoughts of my profession and I shall examine the で particle. Read More >