I’m actually making better progress playing games than I thought I would this year. Rocketbirds is shaping up to be the 9th game I’ll have played through start to finish this year. It helps that I chose ones that could be finished in under 10 hours each (for the most part). But I’ve got heaps more things on my to-do list that I want to get done this year, so I’ve got to hurry up and get this game off my plate 🙂 Read More >

My clone is asleep! Time to feverishly listen to some Steve Vai while getting some more of this bird game language stuff out the door! Read More >

I recently knocked another game (Suikoden) off my To-Play list, which means that the next one to tackle just so happened to be Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken. Now this is one of the titles that made my list purely because I have the option of playing it in Japanese. Which means, I fully expect to spend more time trying to understand the text as opposed to actually playing the game. I haven’t read a single review of the game, and only bought it by accident as it was part of Humble Indie Bundle 9 back in 2013. Time to work my way through the menu screen. Read More >