After hiking from Stirling, I needed to take a few days off to let my feet recover. Be glad that I’ve decided to spare you the video detailing how I lanced my blisters and covered myself in tape. I used my downtime to plan a more realistic tour around Scotland, and after a couple of days decided to give walking another try. This time, I caught a train out to an area that had been on the top of my to-see-list since before departing for this fair country: Dunnottar Castle (Dùn Fhoithear, “fort on the shelving slope”).
These ruins have as rich of a history as one might hope for, and are very inspiring to look at. I imagine it must have truly been epic in it’s heyday. I’ve been taking heaps of time lapse videos in Scotland, like the two that I mention in the above video. While I haven’t had a chance yet to process them for you (or myself) to look at, I hope to edit them together into one video at some point so they can all be seen at once.
Some of the photos from this day trip can be seen on my Flickr page.