Man, those Nintendo 64 controllers were just the worst. Is there actually a following for those? Are there people out there that don’t think so? What percentage of them would you say haven’t actually broken and are still even usable, dear listeners? And what was with the wonky Dreamcast controller and its oddball shape and cord that connected from the bottom?
We could also spend an eternity talking about all the quirky oddball third party controllers out there.
So what are the best controllers? Is there an ultimate controller that will suit everyone for all needs? (Spoiler: not a chance)
One interesting thing about being an avid game fan over a multi-decade period is that you definitely get to experience a lot of controllers, even a lot of different designs for mainstream controllers. This week, the two vagabonds discuss the evolution of video game controllers and what we think are the best designs across the last four decades of gaming history. Have at you.