What’re these nerdy dudes up to this week?
Well, we’re stepping away from talking gameplay and software stuff this week to focus on gaming hardware this time around. Do you upgrade your systems to the “Pro” version? Is it worth it? Do you hold out, knowing that a pro version is inevitable? Is it good for consumers or just a nuisance for those of us that end up owning inferior versions of hardware, effectively being penalized for being early adopters?
The recent announcement of an OLED Switch (that is otherwise unchanged from the existing model) got us thinking console hardware upgrades. Thus, this week we decided to go over our long experience as gamers and evaluate how we’ve done as far as buying “the right version” of different consoles over our time.
Expect lots of digressions in the latter half this time as we spend some focus time on things we’ve come to really dislike about modern consoles in general, some of the things we _do_ like about modern consoles, and some other topics like what it’s like to develop for modern consoles.