Have you ever been curious about the art side of video game development? Matt was! And so he ambushed Stephen with some questions about it! There are of course many different artistic roles in game development and this week Stephen shares some insights from his experience working in the game industry as a VFX artist as we go into interview-format to dig into where his professional career has taken him.
Some of the topics covered include:
* Interviewing for VFX jobs in games
* Tools used by game VFX artists
* VFX teams at game companies
* Hunting for VFX work in games in the US as a non-citizen
* What it was like to transition from film (Steve’s previous experience) to games
* The nature and challenges of the VFX role in games
This was our first stab at recording in the evening instead of the early morning with obvious differences. Not so much of the usual tired groaning and whining about poor kid sleep schedules.