Scratch one item off that perpetual to-do list! I’ve now “mastered” all of the 420 non-kanji words in Influent. Mastering really is their word, not mine. It means that I have successfully identified the words by selecting the object associated with them three consecutive times when presented with 10 different options to choose from. It doesn’t mean I have the ability to look at a given object and recall the Japanese word for it.
So I’ll probably continue to open it up now and then as a refresher to try and maintain and better cement the known vocabulary, but for the time being I get to move it off of my “to-do list”. At some point before the year is over, I’ll need to revisit it so that I can learn the kanji associated with the various words. I’d be surprised if there’s a lot given how many words used katakana.
けいじする | post (verb) | そだつ | grow (verb) |
なく | cry (verb) | いんさつする | print (verb) |
きく | listen (verb) | ねじる | screw (verb) |
かわいい | cute (adj) | すわる | sit (verb) |
しめる | tighten (verb) | たてる | build (verb) |
とる | take (picture) (verb) | ちせいのある | intelligent (adj) |
けいかくする | plan (verb) | きそくせいのない | random (adj) |
ころがす | roll (verb) | きる | wear (verb) |
かおりのよい | fragrant (adj) | かしこい | smart (adj) |
ちょぞうする | save (verb) | いらだたせる | annoying (adj) |
フォーマル | formal (adj) | むすぶ | tie (verb) |
すごい | awesome (adj) | ねる | sleep (verb) |
くろい | black (adj) | うつ | hit (verb) |
まるい | round (adj) | なげる | throw (verb) |
うける | catch (verb) | でんわする | call (verb) |
うしなう | lose (verb) | きんぞく | metal (adj) |
つける | light (verb) | いんかせいのある | flammable (adj) |
せいけつな | clean (adj) | ながす | flush (verb) |
うつくしい | beautiful (adj) | かわいている | dry (adj) |
とかす | brush (verb) | いやす | heal (verb) |
そる | shave (verb) | したたらせる | drip (verb) |
ひく | strum (verb) | うるさい | loud (adj) |
ばかな | stupid (adj) | みる | watch (verb) |
ふるい | old (adj) | きけんな | dangerous (adj) |
もやす | burn (adj) | つめる | pack (verb) |
すう | suck (verb) | ける | kick (verb) |
カジュアル | casual (adj) | あたたかい | warm (adj) |
おしゃれな | stylish (adj) | かいてきな | comfortable (adj) |
まわる | rotate (verb) | おもい | heavy (adj) |
あつい | hot (adj) | はなをかむ | sneeze (verb) |
So with that, I’m done playing my 2nd game of the year.
I also ended up playing some Rocket League… which is pretty fun! I even played through campaign… meaning that’s now my 3rd game of the year down. That leaves only 112 in my (pc) gaming back log!