TVG: 1.00 – It’s a New Year! (But Also Still 2016!)

This is not actually from the new year's fireworks (shhhhh)

It’s a New Year, it’s a New Season! It’s us catching up for the first time in a couple of weeks!

In this week’s Gamecast we catch up on our holiday adventures, hangouts, and loot. Steve’s back from a short apartment hunting trip and about to embark of his family’s big move and Matt was inspired to play some of his Kickstarted boardgames. Did you find any good gaming deals over the holidays? Did anyone get you something particularly awesome? Let us know!

The Vagabond Gamecast is a podcast by Stephen Tucker and Matthew Langille that covers gaming from the perspective of nomadic parents.
The Vagabond Gamecast
TVG: 1.00 – It's a New Year! (But Also Still 2016!)