I’ve got a new addition to the family!
We had our son earlier this month, and as you can probably tell by the hour at which this blog post has been created, he’s done wonders for our sleep habits. We decided to name him Lazarus Soren Phoenix, mostly because we just like the combination of sounds. We wanted something unique, and something that would stand out a bit. While some cultures feel that a child should inherit the mother’s last name, and other cultures feel that a child should inherit the father’s last name, others still take their names from religion. Back in the day many last names were derived from the town the person hailed from, or what they did for a living. When people moved to new countries, spellings were often altered. With all this lack of convention, we decided that there wasn’t any point in sticking with any one convention in particular and decided to give our son his own last name.
I’m looking forward to seeing how this little guy turns out!
Onesie purchased from: Mami Origami
The background is by: Vecky Graphics ~ 03/23/2012
License: Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution Non-Commercial