I’ve been pondering for quite a while now what I want my own game to look like. I’ve been waffling between it being somewhere between a Zelda-like style or a Quest for Glory-like style… I haven’t been sure how much I wanted it to be tile based, versus each screen being a unique illustration. I think I’ll try to find some sort of a happy medium where I make unique backgrounds but find a way to get some re-use in there from time to time. But while exploring syles I think I’ve decided that I’m going to go with a look similar to what I’ve done in the below Street Fighter II fan art. I whipped these off today as an exploration, and I think that limiting the graphics to this quality will give me something I’m happy with while not being overly time consuming to produce.
Anyways, I chose Street Fighter II to play around with as it was an amazing game that I loved as a kid. It’s got a great ensemble of characters, and it was fun to sit back, relax, and play around with some pixels today. I tracked down the old profiles from the game to make sure that they were kind-of-sort-of height proportional to each other.
Be sure to click the thumbnail to see the larger image!
Which was your favourite character to play?