I’ve decided to take the plunge and record another game dev update video. This time with audio. Having free time that aligns pretty much with my son’s nap time, I was very hesitant to record any audio… which made videos no fun. But I’ve got a new mic that lets me talk much more quietly, and Laz sleeps much more regularly, so I’ve now got the confidence to make this regular.
I’ve been busy in the past month updating my files to Unreal 4.8, getting a versioning system in place (I’m using Perforce with OneDrive for versioning and Cloud backup), and of course learning more things in Unreal so that I can actually eventually have something that resembles a game.
You can see it in action here:
Some of the new stuff since the last video include:
-Getting a different mic, suitable for my recording needs
-Porting from UE4.7 to 4.8
-Moving to a persistent level system which includes loading/unloading, persistent bg music, matinee screen fade when changing levels, multiple doorways doable per level
-Quick save prototype that lets your character resume at the same location when loading a game
-NPC that moves to scripted locations
-Inventory / Crafting system prototype based on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Ot5udsHFVw
I’ll likely spend a bit of time refining the inventory this week, but hope to only fix some glaring problems before spending time with dialog. The dialog system I’m looking into uses spreadsheets, which I think could be beneficial to add to the inventory system… so it’s not worth polishing too much until I can look into that.
See you soon!