Last time I updated the blog, I had a kid. This has not changed, I still have a kid. What this means is that my spare time has suddenly diminished below what I feel is humanly acceptable. So the only choice I seem to have, is to stop being so damned human.
I’m working on Game Dev once more. Both for my day job, and my night job. During the day, I’m working as a VFX artist in Vancouver once again, but this time on a game project that I’m pretty happy to be a part of! I’ll leave the details vague on that as my website really isn’t intended to be a bragging and or venting place regarding the ole 9-5.
My night time work, however involves A: making sure that my wife gets time to work on her shit (meaning I’m on baby duty), and B: attempting to squeeze in whatever bit of productivity I can when the young’un is asleep. Let me say this: being a parent has taught me time management. While I was able to throw my time onto whatever I wanted in the past (largely resulting in playing video games) I’ve come to realize just how precious a commodity time is. I feel like I’m much more able to just sit and focus now than I could this time last year.
So, hopefully this means you can expect me to once again make some regular noise here as I tinker on a side project. No more travel vlogs for me. Those things were boring even me, so I can’t imagine what kind of torture they must have been for someone *else* to try and watch 🙂
Enough rambling though. As I said, time is precious.
Here’s the playlist I’ve got up on YouTube covering progress on the game I’m now trying to prototype. As of this post going live, I’ve only got two videos. Things I’ve blocked in so far include: Character movement, with a locked 3rd person camera. Being able to move an object around the environment, and a day/night/year system that tracks whether the user is in the northern or southern hemisphere and behaves appropriately for the time of year.
I’ve also got Perforce set up and running to manage file versions though that process isn’t covered in the videos.